So, you want candid photos of your kids? Real smiles and not the fake laugh you bribe them with candy for using your iPhone?
YOU want to be in the photo enjoying the moment with your kids?
I guess you could say that’s what I’m here for! so you can enjoy your family and get those moments that you’ll be proud to hang on the wall.
Hi There! I’m Kendra.
The face behind the lens (and also the face behind the cute little toddler in the picture above). I know most photographers put in a nice head shot of themselves but I figured a picture of me in action with my two babies is more the essence of who I am. A crazy hot mess mom who has a passion for art and capturing the moment.
I guess you could say I totally know what it’s like being the mom who’s always behind the camera. Who wishes she had more photos of her and her kids so they can look back and remember their mom. This has inspired me to capture motherhood, the journey of birth and to give you those photos your kids can look back on to see how badass you were as a mother. Because lets face it, even though you might be a hot mess momma, you are kicking some ass!
When my camera isn’t in hand I’m usually found crafting, gardening or browsing Pinterest for longer than acceptable at ideas I’ll probably never get around to doing.